I'm running CS5 on a less than one year old MacBook Pro, with the latest OS at this writing (10.6.4). I selected my images in Bridge and chose "Merge to HDR Pro" to process them (under: Tools > Photoshop). When I got to the HDR Pro dialog I noticed that my thumbnails of the various exposures were not completely visible at the bottom of the screen. Worse yet, the buttons to continue or cancel where not there! I was stuff in HDR Pro and couldn't get out. Force Quit was not an available option shown, so I had to Force Quit HDR Pro by doing COMMAND - SHIFT - ESC.
I began to research the problem on the web and found a couple suggested solutions on the Adobe Forum. One was to move the Dock to the side... after quitting Bridge, I moved the Dock to the left and that worked - I could now see the buttons in HDR Pro. Another option suggested was to delete the Photoshop CS5 Preferences file and rebuild it by starting up without one. Tried that... didn't work. Finally I found a Tech Note on the Adobe site:
This said to turn "Hiding On" for the Dock if you have it on the bottom... Voila! That worked and was a quick and easy fix. I still see this as a bug Adobe should fix, but turning hiding ON or OFF by right clicking on the Dock size adjustment slider it easy enough, so I'll go with that whenever I want to play with HDR Pro.
So, not a masterpiece by any means, but this is my first play with HDR... I basically used the Surrealistic preset for this... thought it looked kinda spooky but cool!